American Government: Fair and Balanced
May 3, 2011
By catching and executing Osama bin Laden, President Obama has proven that through commitment and careful analysis of the facts, he can make informed decisions. In stark contrast, Junior Bush and his comedy retinue, after starting two useless, prolonged foreign wars, soon abandoned the only practical goal which they pretended to adopt. In 2005, in utter confusion, his mentally ill Secretary of Defense, his politically compromised CIA and badly abused armed forces were somehow instructed to virtually abandon the search for the world’s leading terrorist! Good job, Junior and all of your G-d forsaken apologists!
Now that Pakistan has been exposed as the equally useless ally that everyone already knew about, but were afraid to admit, what are we doing in Afghanistan? Despite every iota of historical evidence screaming out, first to the historically illiterate Junior Bushites and their mesmerized and equally illiterate generals and later to President Obama’s corrupt and incompetent friend, General McChrystal, we have remained there and escalated a meaningless war in that barren wasteland. There can be no competent reason for starting or prolonging a war in a place that has, in one way or another, destroyed every invader foolish enough to stay there more than a few weeks or months. Obviously and quite unfortunately, our government and our incompetent military commanders felt that because they had no idea whatsoever about how to handle Pakistan, they would occupy its neighbor, Afghanistan! Hey guys, ignorance and incompetence is not a very good reason to remain in Afghanistan, to risk the lives of innocent American servicemen, not to mention the trillions of dollars pilfered from the hard earned contributions of millions of social security victims to their social security fund . If you are too lazy and uncaring, in addition to incompetent and uneducated, then resign!
It is time for the Obama administration to show the same fortitude and commitment displayed in the patient, stepwise capture of bin Laden in its approach to solving our economic and political problems. Vainly attempting to solve the Democratic Party’s emotional problems by passing a fiscally absurd healthcare bill, clearly lacking in commitment to cleaning up the obscene legal and illegal overspending in Medicare, cannot lead to informed decisions. Purposely ignoring the truth to please lobbyist friends does not constitute careful analysis of facts, Republican and Democratic leaders! Meanwhile, it is the job of the Obama Administration, as melodramatic as it may sound, to save the soul of America from the menace of fascism. Despite apologies by both ignorant and well meaning conservatives as well as many mean spirited Republican leaders, the body of work by the Junior Bush administration and even more so by the current Republican leadership, amounts to a fascist manifesto.
From the War Powers Act to the Patriot Act to apparently purposeful mismanagement of useless foreign wars, Republican foreign policy was designed to strengthen the federal government’s Constitutionally illegal control of civil rights. In a perpetual war-time situation, more and more citizens’ rights could be (permanently) subverted. Thus, instead of reasonable policies, the tools of stable government, we have wars! The “War on Drugs,” the “War on Poverty,” the “War on Terror” are all excuses for not having coherent policies on any of these problems. Now that American citizens are finally tiring of these really stupid wars, Republicans have had to design new wars. In Wisconsin and other states they have initiated wars on government and private unions. In Michigan, the governor is sending out “financial advisors” to go to war with and steal entire towns in an effort to turn them over to private campaign contributors. In Florida and other Republican run states, in an effort to prevent people from voting, their corrupt legislatures are trying to make it more and more difficult to register new voters.
Recently, also in Wisconsin, for the fifth time in the same county, a fortuitous error was uncovered by the ”incompetent” voter registrar, giving the Republican incumbent State Supreme Court “Justice” a highly questionable victory. In 2002 in Alabama, the exact same thing occurred as the duly elected Governor Siegelman was robbed of his gubernatorial victory in the middle of the night and the results signed and sealed by the crooked State Attorney General. In the 2004 presidential election, Ohio Republican Secretary of State Blackwell attempted to use his own company’s voting machines in an effort to fix the election. Forced to sell his shares in the company, the resourceful Blackwell enlisted another crooked company and with the help of Republican National Committee I.T. expert, the soon to be murdered Mike Connell, managed to transfer thousands of voting results to Tennessee where they could be “adjusted.” The only Democratic voice that could be heard in audible protest was Diane Feinstein. Meanwhile Connell, rumored to be ready to testify against Blackwell and Karl Rove, never made it to court, as his private plane was conveniently blown up. No significant investigation was carried out in the matter of his “accidental” death and all evidence was discarded as quickly as possible.
Meanwhile, in Wisconsin, in the spirit of “commitment and careful analysis of the facts,” Ms. JoAnne Kloppenburg has asked the state’s Election Supervisor who has condoned all of the previous convenient election gaffs, to recount and investigate the election. My attitude in these cases has always been slightly more harsh. I would suggest to the county’s election supervisor that it is time to do the only honorable thing and resign. No hard feelings, but certain levels of incompetence are neither honorable nor acceptable. As for Mr. Blackwell, former Ohio Secretary of State and Bill Pryor, former Alabama Attorney General, their course at the time of their crimes was clear, they should have been extended two choices, either resign or kill themselves, there really were no other honorable courses. It should have been explained that while the latter choice was more preferred, the former was perfectly adequate. In the same vein, my advice to the Wisconsin Democratic Party is to ask Attorney General “Uncle Tom” Eric Holder to investigate the election improprieties in Wisconsin in addition to those in Ohio and Alabama as part of a pattern of racketeering by the Republican Party. If the so far useless Holder refuses, I believe that everyone is well aware of his two honorable choices, either of which would be perfectly acceptable!
Allen Finkelstein, D.O.