Comprehensive Energy Policy
Allen Finkelstein, D.O.
Dec 5, 2006
The Baker Commission will no doubt suggest that the surrounding countries in the Middle East be included in some sort of dialogue on “the Iraqi situation.” That is, to help us extricate our troops, somehow, from Iraq and, at the same time, avoid total chaos in the country. At this point, we have no cards to put on the table.
We can ask Iran to help because instability in the region will guarantee millions of refugees and will interfere with Iran’s oil business. Iran’s answer, at first, will be “We’ll take the refugees and we’ll double the price of oil to make up for our expenses.”
Our only “Ace in the hole” is a comprehensive energy policy. Even a proposal, for example, of $80 billion a year for 5 years: $50 billion for alternative energy research, development and incentives, $30 billion for new oil sources (without outsourcing the job to the oil companies); even the proposal will have a great numbing effect on Iranian bravado. OPEC prices would fall, just as surely as they did in the 1980’s and most important of all, the vast financial support of global terrorism would be cut in half!
Now, Iran would have to sell twice as much oil to maintain its economy with drastically lower oil prices. Now, it could not afford instability in the region.
The idea of a “Comprehensive Energy Policy” is a long time in coming- President Clinton’s half-hearted attempts were easily thwarted by the oil thirsty Republican Congress, otherwise both parties have been curiously silent. Curiously, an administration that would use unconstitutional surveillance to interfere with a few million dollars of terrorist revenue sources, is not at all interested in drawing hundreds of billions of dollars from terrorist coffers.
The rhetoric should be blunt and brutal! Objection to a Comprehensive Energy Policy at this time is a mark of treason! If oil company profits and delays in energy research and development are more important than the good of the country and ultimately the “world,” more important than “The War on Terrorism”, then we are lost.
President Bush cannot blame his lack of an Energy Policy on Mr. DeLay or Mr. Cheney or the Republican Party. It is now “mano a mano.” If he does not propose a Comprehensive Energy Policy, is he not a traitor to his country?!!
What’s more, if the Baker Commission does not suggest it, they are inviting the same accusations and will need to talk fast and furiously as well.
Allen Finkelstein, D.O.