One Step at a Time- Please
August 6, 2010
Am I one of the only people capable of rational discussion of same sex marriage without becoming hopelessly biased by either religious/social sensibilities or blind principles? Making fun of President Obama or John McCain because they believe in civil unions, but not “gay marriage,” is pointless. They are both “big boys” and can handle the criticism, but the argument against them smacks of the same foolishness and lack of patience exhibited by many progressives in the Democratic Caucus, trying to ramrod through a premature and, frankly, incompetent health care bill.
I admit that I personally voted in favor of same sex marriage, just as I am in favor of a Public Option, eventual extension of Medicare/Medicaid (if they are ever cleaned up) and even the eventual development of socialized medicine-in its own time. To legislate these programs into existence before the country and the bureaucracy are ready for them (that is when they are voted in) is actually quite counterproductive.
Gays, undoubtedly have a right to civil unions in every state. Despite social, religious and simply archaic, arbitrary objections, the Constitution will guarantee it. Eventually, even die hard anti gays will have to reluctantly concede this point. However, the institution of marriage, right or wrong, in today’s circumstance, is still (and always has been) a social institution, one developed by custom, then accepted by government.
Forcing an entire culture to change its view of marriage is not something to be taken lightly as many vocal gays and progressives seem to do. As I have stated in previous articles, phrasing Proposition 8 so as to deprive gays of the right to marry was an abjectly, but typically stupid way for Republicans to author their bill. I seriously doubt that there would have been as much of an uproar if the bill had asked for approval of “gay marriage” and had fallen a few votes short. The bill simply would have found its way to the ballot again and would eventually have been passed.
Whatever the outcome of the final court decision in California, my advice to those on both sides of the issue is to take things “one step at a time.” That way, both “sides” might actually learn how to tolerate each other.
Allen Finkelstein, D.O.