Sports Blogs
The Kurious Kase of Kevin Kiermaier
Kevin Kiermaier, an immensely talented, dedicated centerfielder may just be the best defensive player in all of baseball. Curiously, however, a “five tool player,” using only three “tools,” this once mediocre yet still exciting batter has become the millstone around the neck of the Rays lineup... (Published Aug 14, 2018)
Rays Diary 6/30/18 - 7/4/2018
After a long hiatus it’s time for a few comments on the Rays... (Published July 4, 2018)
Rays Diary 12/22/2017
I’m starting my Ray’s Diary early this year in honor of Evan Longoria, the smooth fielding, often clutch hitting third baseman and truly “gentle-man” who has come to be known as the face of the Tampa Bay Rays... (Published Dec. 22, 2017)
The Bucs' Season from a Fan's Perspective
After observing the Bucs over the past few seasons and reading numerous entertaining articles by various local sportswriters, I thought my amateur observations might at least “stir the pot” to some degree... (Published Dec 19, 2017)
Rays Diary 5/12/2017
I guess I’ve waited as long as possible to comment on the Rays... (Published May 12, 2017)
Rays Diary: Post Season 2016 (10/7/2016)
The Rays’ 2016 season is finally over. More than anything else the otherwise forgettable 2016 campaign sets up the 2017 season as a watershed moment in Rays baseball... (Published Oct 7, 2016)
Rays Diary 7/1-7/4/16: Wake UP Corporate Rays!
Tonight, as I struggle to watch the Rays continue to self destruct, I think about all of the injuries to both position players and pitchers. I haven’t let myself criticize Rays upper management and coaching in quite a while... (Published July 4, 2016)
Rays Reluctant Diary 6/2/2016
Bad breaks, injuries and erratic pitching aside, this year’s version of the Rays “offense” may well be the worst designed and most poorly coached of all. This, of course, is what happens anyway when a team has not had a hitting coach for some seven years... (Published June 2, 2016)
Rays Diary: 2015 Season
With all of the injuries to the Rays pitching staff and the dependence on so many rookies this past season, an 80 and 82 record is “not bad’ by Major League Baseball standards. The players never gave up... (Published October 9, 2015)
Rays Diary 8/26/2015
I was watching the Rays tonight as Minnesota combined a few legitimate base hits with a whole lot of good luck and a few shoddy plays by our defense into a victory by the Twins... (Published Aug 26, 2015)
Rays Diary 8/14/15 - 8/20/15
...Mickey Mouse is real. The only question is: does he wear a Rays uniform and cap or a business suit? (Published Aug 19, 2015)
Rays Diary 08/02/2015
Enough is really enough! Time to wish Derek Charlatan and his ouija board a fond farewell and return to baseball 101. Amateur baseball philosophers in the Rays “corporate office,” as Joe Maddon used to call it, need to stop calling the shots and hire a for real batting coach... (Published Aug 7, 2015)
Rays Diary: Off Season Entry
In the “hideous “ absence of baseball, as Tom Krasniqi would say, some equally hideous ideas have crossed my mind this “off season.”... (Published Nov 24, 2014)
Rays Diary 9/3/14
Even for the most optimistic of Rays fans, it has been apparent for several weeks, if not months, that the team lacks the “horsepower” necessary to make the playoffs this year... (Published Sept 4, 2014)
Rays Diary 8/10/14
On Friday, Rays survived a “mental midget “ moment, foregoing smallball again for the “big inning. As usual, Evan Longoria, not allowed to play small ball, cost the Rays a another valuable scratch run... (Published Aug 11, 2014)
Rays Diary 8/5/2014
This is the Rays baseball we had come to know before poor Zim’s passing. Tonight, disdaining the clearly “appropriate” bunt in the 4th inning, Rays opted for the “inappropriate” baserunning blunder instead... (Published Aug 6, 2014)
Rays Diary 6/18/14-6/22/14
After an eventful day in which I finally had the courage to tweet Evan Longoria suggesting that he observe his swing in slow motion because it appears to be getting longer and more circuitous than it used to be- Evan had the class to actually answer me, even though his twitter replies certainly did not express his approval! (Published June 22, 2014)
Rays Diary 6/10/14: Say It Ain't So Clueless Joe
Clueless Joe totally blew it again... (Published June 11, 2014)
Rays Diary 6/7/14 - 6/8/14
Congratulations to the Rays on a one game winning streak. As predicted, with a coach and manager both too lazy to do the hard work of baseball, Rays hitting continues to deteriorate... (Published June 9, 2014)
Rays Diary 6/6/14
Congratulations! Rays Win! Hopefully this will lead to a long winning streak. I do not think so. The Rays will not be able to overcome the absence of a professional hitting coach and the burden of a lazy sometimes brilliant, often irrational manager... (Published June 7, 2014)
Rays Diary 6/4/14: Say It Ain't So
Deepest sympathy to the Zimmer Family on the death of one of the finest human beings to have played and taught the game of baseball as well as the “game” of life... (Published June 5, 2014)
Rays Diary 6/3/14
No surprise, Rays lost the game tonight in the second inning. With runners on first and second and no outs and Joe’s third, fourth and fifth batters in the lineup forbidden to advance runners, Evan’s strikeout was almost a foregone conclusion... (Published June 4, 2014)
Rays Diary 6/2/14
Tony Dungy’s offensive strategies seem to translate just as badly to baseball as they did to football. Clueless Joe and his batting “coach,” Peter Principle Shelton have officially taken Major League Baseball’s version of The Ted Mack Amateur Hour on the road to Miami... (Published June 3, 2014)
Rays Diary 5/30/14
No entries for several weeks. Didn’t want to pile on a team when it’s down. No trouble, however, picking on cowardly apologists and sports media morons... (Published May 31, 2014)
Rays Diary 5/13/14-5/15/14
As usual, Manager Joe Madden did his best, last night, to outwit himself... (Published May 15, 2014)
Rays Diary 4/16/14
Some things simply don’t change and “repeating the same mistakes again and again while expecting a different result” is still a definition of “insanity.”... (Published April 16, 2014)
Rays Diary 9/12/13
"Say It Ain't So, Joe!" (Published Sept 12, 2013)
Rays "Headlines" 9/11/13
“Clueless Joe,” Rays manager announces that he has signed up for an online course involving “the art of smallball in baseball management.”... (Published Sept 11, 2013)
Rays Diary 9/3/13
As I watch the Rays suffer through another quite incompetent performance, I cannot fault their effort which always seems to be there. I Can fault a few other small details, however... (Published Sept 3, 2013)
Rays Diary 8/10/13
Another dismal showing by the Rays’ relief pitchers, disappointing, but not that unusual this time of year, I guess. Joe and offensive protege, Peter Principle, sorry, Derek Shelton left only four or five runs out on the field this time... (Published August 10, 2013)
Rays Diary 8/8/13
Oh Well, so much for trying to look at positive and negative aspects of the Rays. If one consistent problem outweighs all others, apparently it is the fact that we have possibly the best bench coach in all of baseball!... (Published August 8, 2013)
Rays Diary 8/4/13
Since the Rays’ 6 to 5 loss to the Yankees a few weeks ago, I have tried to take a more objective view of the teams “pluses” and “minuses,” that is their positive and negative traits... (Published August 4, 2013)
Rays Diary 6/17/13- 6/18/13
Like everyone else, even his critics, I love Joe Maddon, but sooner or later he will have to manage with the skills he has, but psychologically hates to use... (Published June 19, 2013)
Rays Diary 5/16/13
I was disappointed over poor Rodney, blowing his save, over the Rays trying so hard to win a close game, but I know in my heart that it’s all part of the game we love. Win or lose, it’s the drama that makes the game worth watching... (Published May 17, 2013)
Rays Diary 4/26-4/29/13
The Rays finally won a few games! Fortunately, two fairly tight games turned into routs with lots of homeruns. Unfortunately, it seems to be the preferred way for a Rays team to win, Worse yet, if the Rays don’t hit homeruns, we usually lose...
Rays Diary 4/25/13
The Art of Psychometric “Compooper” Scouting
Rays Diary 4/24/13
Last night the Rays returned to last year’s form. Except for Ben Zobrist’s sac fly, the team squandered their opportunities trying for the elusive “big inning.” Yes, they’ll win a few games that way, but so far the only games they seem to win are with homeruns... (Published April 25, 2013)
Rays Diary 4/22/13
Great to see The Rays finally hitting the ball again. Funny how you can hit so many homeruns when you don’t try to!... (Published April 23, 2013)
Rays Diary 4/15/13
After painfully reviewing The Rays’ first dozen or so games of the season, I have found that precious little has really changed... (Published April 16, 2013)
Ten Questions for The Rays
In light of the fact that a team built very much like The Rays managed to win the World series with only 103 home runs all season, an ERA 50 points lower than The Rays and about the same number of RBI’s, leads me to believe that Rays management is lacking in fundamental skills of some sort... (Published April 15, 2013... Originally written Oct 30, 2012)
Reply to TB Times' Tom Jones
(Sent to Mr. Jones in Response to his 10/4/12 Article, entitled:"Rays May Need to Make Radical Changes to Continue Success")
Rays Diary 10/2/12
Stayed up til 1:15 AM watching Oakland steal a post- season berth right out from under the noses of Joe Maddon and the frustrated Rays... (Published Oct 2, 2012)
NFL Officiating: The More Things Change...
Watching and listening to Jon Gruden alleging that he had just witnessed the worst job of NFL officiating he had ever seen is truly ironic. Either Mr. Gruden is suffering from a massive and unexpected attack of diplomacy or due to the the shock of the game, he is suffering from amnesia... (Published Sept 25, 2012)
Rays Diary 9/20/12
The Rays won tonight in a thrilling comeback! After”playing dead” for seven innings the team awoke in the eighth inning to score their first run in twenty four innings for their pitcher David Price... (Published Sept 21, 2012)
Rays Diary: 9/13-9/16/12
Rays Diary 9/12/12
Charity Begins At Home/ Andrew and Joe Blow Another One...(Published Sept 13, 2012)
Rays Diary 8/31-9/4/12
The last two games were really hard to watch., but the narrow losses were not nearly as sickening as the moaning and groaning of thick headed apologists all around complaining about losing a game because two runners were brilliantly thrown out at home plate... (Published Sept 5, 2012)
Rays Diary 8/28/12
Well, Mr. Maddon, somehow you managed to repeat the impossible, not in losing another one run ballgame, but by duplicating the same degree of incompetence it took to lose almost all of the other one run losses this year... (Published Aug 29, 2012)
Rays Diary 8/15/12
The Theater of the Absurd... After a seven game winning streak which saw the Rays’ great pitching and resurgent hitting make Joe Maddon’s job really easy, the team’s managerial brain trust has come back to earth... (Published Aug 15, 2012)
Rays Diary 7/31/12
Watched another pretty good pitching job by the Rays. Saw players busting their tails, trying hard to answer management’s prayers... (Published July 31, 2012)
Rays Diary 7/26/12
Watched the Rays finally put together a few hits tonight and even hit a few home runs. With Price’s excellent pitching, it was one of those rare “easy wins” for the Rays... (Uploaded July 26, 2012)
Rays Diary 7/16/12
Tonight’s game, under normal circumstances, would have been one of the worst managed games in the annals of baseball except for two factors... (Uploaded July 26, 2012)
Rays Diary 6/27/12
Watched the Rays badly mismanaged into another loss... (Published June 28, 2012)
Rays Diary 06/13/12
Today I witnessed the Rays embarrassment at the hands of the Mets. It was certainly not what I would term “unexpected.” (Published June 15, 2012)
Rays Diary October 3, 2011
Rays Diary (June 23 and June 26, 2011)
Rays Diary 05/16/2011
Well, it’s about time for the first entry of the year. Lots of new players on the roster this season with somewhat limited talent, but more willingness to learn, apparently... (Published May 16, 2011)
Rays Diary: 10/12/10
Tonight, I watched “A Tale of Two Cities.” It was not the great Dickens novel, but a tale of two managers representing Dallas/ Fort Worth and Tampa Bay. One brought with him a well coached team with a well conceived game plan... (Published October 13, 2010)
Joe Maddon: Lost in Cyberspace
Why am I so disappointed in Joe Maddon?... (Published October 6, 2010)
Loose Screws
Rays Diary September 20-21
Old Umpires: Where Are You?
Tonight, as I watched the umpire call “strike three” on the befuddled rookie, I asked myself: “where are the old umpires of my youth?” ...(Published September 15, 2010)
Twenty Questions for the Rays
Twenty Questions for the Tampa Bay Rays Baseball team... (Published August 9, 2010, sent to the Rays organization on August 10, 2010)
2010 Rays Diary Update
Rays Diary: July 28, 2010 (sent to Tampa Bay Rays-again- and various local sports media members, as usual, without reply. So I might as well print it in my BLOG)... (Published July 28, 2010)
Rays Diary
Various Letters to the Tampa Bay Rays written between May 27 and June 1, 2010
Blind Consistency
Not to rain on our party, baseball fans, but after watching Cole Hamels last year, throwing “strikes” four or five inches off the plate, I realized two things... (Published November 4, 2009)
Dumb and Dumber
Dear Rays Diary... (Published September 10, 2009)
Gently, Gently
I’m trying to say this as gently as possible, but the other night, Mr. Maddon mismanaged his team to another loss... (Published August 30, 2009)
Three Stikes and The Fix is Out
You watch it every game- a pitch is 3-4 inches off the plate, called a strike, or a beautiful curve ball 4 inches above the knees for strike three to end the inning, but the umpire calls it “low” for a ball. A perfect pitch, called a ball... (Published June 28, 2009)
Open Letter to MLB World Umpire Association
This is a open letter send to the Major League Baseball's World Umpires Association on October 28, 2008 in regard to the 2008 World Series...
My Grandmother
What if my grandmother, an elderly European immigrant, were appointed pitching coatch of the Tampa Bay Rays? ...(Published August 18, 2009)
Steppin' In The Bucket
Dear Mr. Maddon,
As a long suffering Rays fan, I have watched hitters like Carlos Pena and BJ Upton struggle at the plate. I have had the opportunity, on several occasions, to sit only a few rows up right behind home plate. I have watched them closely on television, as well... (Published June 19, 2009)
Right handed Shawn Riggins is catching for the switch hitting All-Star Dioner Navarro, by far the team’s best hitter. As is his custom, “Manager” Joe Maddon is using .227 hitting Willie Aybar as the team’s designated hitter today instead of the “resting” Navarro... (Published July 27, 2008) -
Managing Time
Let’s start managing and stop fooling around! Cito Gaston took his pitcher out and Maddon did not. Why? Cito knows how to manage and Maddon does not- yet... (Published July 20, 2008)
Reflection on 2007 Devil Rays
I’ve watched the Devil Rays closely since the birth of the franchise. I watched with elation and pride as they went for pitching and speed, trying to set up a strong young farm system. They hired the perfect manager, Larry Rothchild, who was also a quality pitching coach. With mediocre talent and a few decent arms, he did quite well for the fledgling team. I watched Vince Naimoli destroy... (Published June 12, 2007)
(Republished June 13, 2007 from Original Political Blog Publication April 25, 2007)
Playing "20 Questions" with Jon Gruden
20 Questions for Tampa Bay Buccaneers Coach Jon Gruden... (Published Jan. 16, 2007)