Washington D.C. and the War of Competing Genetic Defects
July 20, 2011
As a practicing physician over the past thirty years or so, I have made a profound and undeniable observation regarding our two major political parties. Republicans create laws and rules encouraging rich people to commit obscene abuses of our institutions while Democrats encourage the less affluent to abuse our systems to equally obscene degrees. The indigent Medicaid patient, using his welfare funds to purchase alcohol or cigarettes and access to eight hundred dollar drugs every month is every bit as abusive as the bank executive taking an undeserved million dollar bonus after losing hundreds of millions of dollars in virtually free donations by an irresponsible treasury and Federal Reserve.
While taxpayers, including “the rich” pay their percentage of earnings to a government totally lacking in accountability, the treasury feels free to extend unearned money to clearly undeserving banks who are free to spend or even steal the funds as they please. Republicans want no restraint whatsoever on the illicit payments to these obscene institutions, They claim that it has something to do with a “philosophy” burned into their feeble minds by their predatory great grandfathers when they were not off murdering Native Americans, African Americans and Jews. Now that these things are no longer in vogue, they have broadened their target to include the previously “encroaching” middle class. To their credit, they have managed to recruit various naive but very confused African Americans such as Herman Kane and pseudo Republican Richard Steele (much too gracious to be a true Republican these days) and Jewish fools like Eric Cantor and Paul Wolfowitz or foolish Jews like Bernie Goldberg in recent times.
Democrats, at the behest and tutelage of their feeble minded grandparents treat the indigent and even “paying” Medicare patients, many of whom who are chronic system abusers, far better than their own families and average tax paying citizens. Not only do they permit a seriously mentally deficient leader of the opposition party to declare two unnecessary wars, but they permit the adolescent president to lower taxes and make up the difference by blatantly stealing the one and a half trillion dollars in deficient funds from the social security (payroll tax) contributors. To add insult to injury, they allow welfare patients free prescriptions for obscenely expensive drugs that the poor social security contributors have already paid for. Ironically, these same abused taxpayers cannot afford the drugs for themselves.
Now, Ryan, Cantor and other gangsters want to continue hundreds of billions of dollars in (free money) overpayments to rich drug companies, obscenely rich banks, Wall Street embezzlers, and crooked insurance companies. That is, before the criminals even think about cutting unnecessary overspending (graft) they want to cut necessary Social Security and Medicare benefits. The problem is compounded, of course, by the fact that 2.6 trillion dollars in these benefits have already been stolen by bipartisan Congressional scumbags, 1.6 trillion by the fascists in the Bush Administration. The thieves do not plan to ever pay this money back. Even foolish Democrats are ashamed to admit that it was not the system, but the blind, amoral people running it that have failed. The Social Security System was long ago adjusted so that surplus trillions of dollars, invested even in low yielding bonds, would sustain it for a hundred years or more. What neither corrupt and totally dishonest Republicans (not all of them, mind you) and cowardly Democrats don’t want to face is the fact that, by law, the stolen money must be replaced. Republicans know that there are many progressive taxes that can easily replace these funds, including taxing marijuana, automatic and high grade weapons and munitions without any deleterious effect on the economy. Republicans, led by their latest mentally challenged autocratic savior, Grover Norquist, embracing the credo of their mentally challenged and amoral grandparents, refuse to enforce even “fair” taxes, while Democrats are deathly afraid to even talk about these issues. A form of malignant cowardice, the fear of Republicans, seems to have been imbued deep into their psyches by their weak minded grandparents.
When will the time come when fair minded people will stand up to the lobbies in Washington? I have polled over one hundred of my patients, asking them if they feel that there is any solution to the gross lack of understanding and concern in Washington D.C. short of violence. Shockingly, the vote was 105 for “No” and only myself and one other person who felt “Yes,” there was still an alternative. Unfortunately, we both felt that only the “Law” and the severely underachieving legal profession had the power to turn things around. More unfortunately, we agreed that there would be nothing good coming out of a “Justice Department” headed by the likes of neo-Republican sympathizer “Uncle Tom” Holder, the perfect beneficiary of both Rebublican and Democratic genetic mental defects.
Allen Finkelstein, D.O.