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Posted on Thursday, December 7, 2006 at 03:01PM by Registered CommenterAllen Finkelstein D.O. | Comments50 Comments

Reader Comments (50)

Scorpio, the most misunderstood of the Zodiac signs. Scorpions don't "bite", we sting; a burning, fiery, poisonous sting. Even the great Aquarius would have difficulty extinguishing the flame - the fire - the passion that drives the Scorpio.

excerpt from MSN Horoscopes:
"Your sign is that of intense Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac, best characterized by passion, intensity, and emotionality. You are considered to be the most powerful and extreme sign of the zodiac, because you deal with the process of fundamental transformation on all levels.

You are the second of the three water signs. Pluto's influence makes you a charismatic, yet enigmatic person. While you may appear serene on the surface, you contain a magnetic intensity and powerfully hypnotic personality, belied only by a penetrating stare of deep intelligence.

Your strengths lie in your ability to confront and channel powerful emotions and profound insights. With your great tenacity and willpower, you are well suited to positions of authority, thanks also to your firm sense of responsibility, your strategical approaches, and your charismatic aura.

You do have weaknesses, too! You can be blunt and demanding, and at worst, you may become merciless, obsessive, and manipulative. You are known for your passive-aggressive behavior, which sometimes reveals your proclivity for martyrdom. You also run the risk of displaying destructive, and revengeful behavior, which confirms your radical all-or-nothing approach to life."
May 5, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter-jla

I also agree with you that Ms Clinton is the most qualified on paper. You can read her plans to address the issues on her website:


and the link for Mr Obama is


for Mr McCain


I believe it is important for citizens to really understand where the candidates stand on important issues, and not just rely on the media bias.
May 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commenter-jla
This says it all!One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president and nine Supreme Court justices - 545 human beings out of the 300 million - are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

June 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT
The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts - of incompetence and irresponsibility.

These are a few excerpts from an article from former columnist Charlie Reese, Orlando Sentinel that I found very interestingly true and explains in a very simple way just how screwed we are.

When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall.No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits.

June 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT
How is it that you and only a handfull of other's know this information? I do not disagree with any of your facts, they all check out and the sum adds up to catastrophy for the American's who will remain after the war on Israel. Of matter of fact you have been found right once again in your assessment, and I fear greatly that no matter who wins, WE ALL LOSE!
Bush has managed to stage the greatest corruption of one of the world's strongest nations, founded on Freedom, and now the Constitution is anything but the law of the land. The laws are being changed by the minute to suit the needs of the Capitalist's who have destroyed America. I feel very strongly for the next President, who ever it is, McCain or Obama, as the Media has been telling lies for years and the American Freedom is all but gone for good. At least you have tried to warn other's of the impending war, the end of the world as we know it. I wish there were someway to have the truth told them like it is here, and not the Media bias.I can not watch the news for information, it only contains bits and pieces of reality, the rest is made up to protect their very jobs as reporter's, or if they should print the truth, the may find themselves in prision, or are we all there already and just don't know it?
June 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT
Arrived at site....shortcut to same is now in place on desktop.....reading has commenced .......
August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterH Noble
Join the RAIN movement, that is, Remove All Incumbents Now! It is a growing idea that doesn't sound too bad really. I mean we could end up electing some wierdo's but the central core will still be there for now anyway, and this is our last chance for any real CHANGE in providing what for our needs, we must force the lobbyist's out, and let the rest of Congress know WE MEAN business. Now that being said, won't you and your reader's join in a worthwhile effort to stop the Partisn effort of the Parties and cause some real change, Change that will make a difference.
October 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDark Shadow of Truth
Simple and small words for all, I am stunned to think America has just plunged into the depths of Hell and the Democratic leaders in Congress want us to believe it is the Bush and Chunky administration? That's the only laughable point in this mess, if there is room to laugh at something so serious as this mess. I am simply Stunned by the media, the Congressional leaders, and of course our current and past President's for the past 50 years.America, the Once Great, I am ashamed this is the way it ends, but the train wreck cannot be rewound and there is no place to go from the bottom, in less than two weeks time, our Congressional leadership, not the President mind you all, this is a money matter that only Congress controls and the Democrats have done far worse than they are wiling to admit, and Obama(what a joke) is the saving grace this country is placing hope in( lost sheep lead astray by lies). I say now on the record, we are doomed and have completely lost our standing in the leardership of the Free World. God Help Us All!
October 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT
Doc, That wonderful world you have spoken of has been degraded much longer than the past eight years, you must admit that. I'm middle aged and even I find the morals of this country offensive.
John McCain is the right man to lead us and God willing, the American people will stop the racism, and be-littling of one's opposition without stating the full facts, and the fact was brought out in the debate just witnessed. Finally, John got his chance to publicly in front of Millions declare he is NOT George Bush. So no more comparison, look at the plans, not watch the commercials, that's what has destroyed morals in this country, WAKE UP! The media, whatever form, one is to chose, has blaimed the Republican's, and Even an ole GOP supporter does not like all the idea's set before us. To vote for change without knowing any real specifics is very reckless and dangerous. Palin has been made a criminal by the Democrats for doing her job, representing the people who hired her to do a job, if that involves a breach of Ethical code,(where is the ehtics in Congress)why has so much of our moral and ethical code has been either taken away or replaced by liberal views and just plain wrong doing. The Democrats are worried if Palin takes office heads will roll. They will not roll, but spin with joy on the election of man they really know nothing about and the more I learn about him the less I like.I am sick of the "polls" which do not acurately depict anything more than the bias the media is forced to portray.God Help Us All!
October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT
I strongly disagree with the above comments about McCain. All he did last night was show anger and attack ability, not exactly qualities I want to see in a U.S. President represeting our country to the world. We've already had 8 years of a pig-headed, non-compromising "man child" as O'Finky so eloquently put it. And for those folks buying into his sainthood facade, look no further than a recent fact filled article written about him in Rolling Stone Magazine, hitting stands today:


True, Obama isn't the best option in the world, but he is the best one we HAVE. It is time to fix the broken economy and start improving our foreign relations with a mature acting adult as President. No more temper tantrums and indignance, which appear to be the only behaviors that McCain and Bush know. Granted the media is biased, but that is because AMERICA is biased. Over 60% of us are sick of the baloney and ready to send a message to our government. Don't worry about the polls. Pay attention to the numbers in 3 weeks. Obama will win.
October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterQ
On That Wonderful World Part III:

Allen - Totally fantastic and very amusing. Well done and well said!

Hope you're doing well.
October 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarissa

Just something I thought you might get a kick out of.

Reasons Sarah Palin Scares Me

by Marissa Cohen

1) She reminds me too much of "Stay" singer Lisa Loeb.

2) Kitten-with-a-whip vrs. hot librarian only works in the movies. And here's a tip, Sarah. Not only can the hot librarian work a decent pair of heels, but she's actually read a few banned books. Check out Nancy Pearl, librarian of Book Lust.

3) Nowhere in those banned books does it say anything about creationism. Because God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, made sure we descended from an angel somewhere. That's right, Sarah. If you believe that, I've got some ice from your homestate that I'd like to sell you...

4) ...But I can't sell you the ice. Know why? It melted thanks to global warming. You know, that big issue that your party will continue to ignore until we are all laying in the streets like scorched Sunday morning bagels on a hotplate? Ignoring global warming is like telling Carrot Top to nap in the tanning bed: what was white will be red, what was red will be black, and what was once human will be destroyed. That - like Carrot Top, burned or not - is JUST NOT FUNNY. It is not "God hugging us closer," as Tina Fey said. It is like laying a newborn baby in 500,000,000 degrees of direct heat.

5) Not one Republican Convention staff member liked you enough to tell you that your hairdo was perhaps last seen in Milwalkee, 1959.

6) No abortion even in cases of rape or incest. ...Really? Let's get one thing straight. Just because you have a vagina doesn't mean you know how to respect mine.

7) What the merry hell is up with the toothy Tupperware selling housewife grin?

8) Your daughter got herself knocked up at the age of 17. Clearly, your abstinence plan may not the best way to rear teenagers. Maybe we should try a radical new plan - like education and tolerance, you Republican Barbie doll.

9) I think SNL said it best: "Anyone can be president! Really! Anyone!"

10) According to The Daily Show,you are McCain's vagina on the end of the stick. And God are they right. "Look! I have a female connected to me! I must be cool and responsive to feminist and intelligent issues." You are being used by your own party as a duck decoy, and you don't even have the capacity to understand that.
October 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMarissa
A quote from one of the greatest minds in history.....

'Two things are infinite: The Universe and Human Stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.'
- Albert Einstein
October 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT
Morons? I think that is adaquate but not rough enough really now is it? I think there is better names for these individuals,like criminals!!!! We can always dream of the future we will never see, and we will never see Bush and Chunky impeached, as the Demogog's need a scape goat for their thievery. Pelosi and Reid are not the only Demogog's that need to be arrested and criminally charged, but homework research tells me most of the Congressional makeup is Democratic Lawyers and I know how much you think so highly of attorney's. Dream on, as the CHANGE we were promised is about to hit, some will certainly wakeup when it happens and find they should have really done their homework instead of voting for "CHANGE", they should have asked what kind of change, but no, the stupidity of the average voter this year is what got Obama elected, not that he isn't qualified, he's an attorney after all, and attorney's know everything, Right?
November 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterT
Dear Marissa, Please excuse MY opinion, but I believe the media bias has yours. I Find the following a more Conservative and more popular view among Realistic Republican's such as myself. We are all entitled to express or vent,even the neofacist's are entitled to their opinion, find the following a bit more realistic I feel!

21 Reasons Why Sarah Palin Should NOT be Elected Vice-President of the United States :

1) She is a Woman.

2) She does not believe in killing babies, born or unborn.

3) She is NOT endorsed by Susan Sarandon, Jane Fonda, Rosie O'Donnell, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Geraldine Ferrara, Barbara Walters, Helen Thomas, Ted Kennedy, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Barbra Streisand, David Letterman, or others who fervently believe in a Woman's Right to Choose (to kill babies).

4) She is married to a Foreigner--a species called 'Native American'--meaning her five children are halfbreeds.

5) She has on more than one occasion expressed PRIDE in the United States of America .

6) Unlike decent, self-respecting Democrats everywhere, she has a 17-year-old daughter who became pregnant out of wedlock.

7) She is a member of the American Riflemen's Association / actually owns firearms / and knows how to use them.

8) She has killed a moose, among other animals--and spreads the propaganda that it is hunters, through their license fees, that keep American wildlife from becoming extinct.

9) She often does her own grocery and other household shopping.

10) She drives a car, and flies a plane.

11) She chose to give birth to a defective child, rather than allow a skilled Abortion Doctor to kill it for her.

12) She refuses to apologize for seeking the termination of an Alaskan State Trooper just because he applied a gentle taser to his 12-year-old stepson (who, of course, happened to be Gov. Palin's nephew).

13) She is inexperienced. And she refuses to admit that her duties as the chief executive in the State of Alaska are nowhere near equal to those of a public servant who was once a Community Organizer, or that of a United States Senator who has carried the awesome burden of overseeing a staff of political appointees.

14) She has a son who is in the U.S.. Military, soon to be deployed to the Persian Gulf--probably making her prejudiced against all the peaceful Muslims in that part of the world.

15) She is onOprah Winfrey's 'Do Not Invite' list.

16) She professes to be a Christian, but has no 'Spiritual Adviser'--even though Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who served Sen Obama in that capacity for 20 years, is now available.

17) She isn't really a 'beauty queen,' as advertised. She was only the runner-up in the Miss Alaska Contest; and Alaska is not a very populous state, anyway.

18) The Obama-Biden ticket is favored over McCain-Palin, 80% to 20%, by our friendly allies in France.

19) Her children are not properly trained in hygiene. (Did you see her 7-year-old daughter shamelessly lick the entire palm of her hand at the Convention, then use it to slick down the hair of her little brother?)

20) She is of mixed English, German, and Irish ancestry--and you KNOW you can't trust the Limey's, Krauts, or Micks.

21) Back to No. 1: This is the one that really galls modern, liberal 'feminists.' Gov. Palin is a Woman, a female-type wife and mother, who shaves her legs, wears makeup, dresses smartly, often cooks meals for her family, doesn't give a hoot about the National Organization for Women or the all-powerful Teachers Unions--and obviously will never, ever fit in as a member of the Washington Elite.

Add #22: She's a decent person: a species seldom seen in Washington

Adding just one more, I am certainly glad you took the time to share your opinion, it gave me a good belly laugh. Only problem is realistic people know it's just the media bias you have based your opinion on, just watch the future of our once beloved Country suffer at the hands of FATE< now that's what I call opinion.
November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterANON

You are very misguided. Palin wasn't picked on because she was a woman. Palin is ignorant, does not know the issues, and makes ALL women look bad. There are several educated women out there that would have made a fine job as a V.P. pick. Why Palin was chosen is a mystery to me other than she was needed to nail down the far right wing Christian vote. But even THIS choice was a slap in the face of female right wing Christians! That was the BEST they could do??? Few will argue that McCain would have held a better chance with a knowledgeable educated running mate. Likeability and cuteness isn't everything. And don't give me this "the media picked on her and made her look bad" junk... asking a person their thoughts on a simple issue (the Katie Couric interview) and getting a garbled confusing response has nothing to do with media bias and everything to do with an uninformed nincompoop! Palin needs 4-8 years of hardcore education and then you can talk to me about her chances for the White House.
November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPaulFenn2
your article about weapons is absolutely correct-we need to do this-thanks
April 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterrosemarie
Are the Rays still playing baseball or was that an illusion yesterday in Seattle? Go Reds!
August 16, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBob Moore
Hi Allen! Hope all is well with you! I come by your blog occasionally to see what you're up to. I see you're still keeping up the good fight! I'm doing well. Haven't been to see you as I no longer have health insurance. I do belong to the VA and I'm getting good, affordable service from them. Hope you golf game is still going well. I gave it up!

November 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKen Torvik
Doc: I just stopped by to tell you that as of today you lost a long-time patient. I'm not sure your nurses tell you everything that happens in your office, not that it would make any difference. I will miss our conversations. Good luck to you!
December 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda Cannon

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